Channelling Paul 28 Feb 2024 (5 year death anniversary)
How do you connect with your loved ones? It was as simple as writing a letter and trusting the process. Even though I had written Paul letters before, I hadn't thought to ask him questions and wait for his replies
Grief is different for everyone, but I didn’t know that when Paul died. In fact I am ashamed to say that I had never given grief, the actual emotional process, very much thought until it was up close and real. The brilliant thing about hosting the From Mourning to Light grief summits is the varied stories and approaches to grief of the many people that I’ve interviewed. Almost everyone believes that our loved ones live on. Many have reported receiving some kind of sign that their loved ones have reached out to them to let them know that they’re okay. It’s comforting to know that your loved ones can and are sending you intimate messages.
As Paul’s death anniversary loomed large, (it has been five years since he was last in his physical form) I became anxious. On his third death anniversary I had made the mistake of thinking that I was ‘okay’ now. Whatever was I thinking? What did okay mean? It hit me hard and out of the blue, but not on the actual day, it was on the days leading up to that date that had me off balance, feeling irritable and emotional. The fourth anniversary was also rough and I was dreading the fifth, but not for the reasons that you would think!
What if I don’t feel anything? What if my new life has me so caught up in it that Paul has lost his place in my universe? I’m forgetting him, I thought with sheer panic. Emily Thiroux Threatt, my beautiful and wise partner in the From Mourning to Light events, gently guided me to write a letter to Paul on the morning of the anniversary. That way you can get all of your emotions out and you won’t be overthinking or off balance for the rest of your day, she counselled.
So here is part of my letter to Paul and to my complete surprise, I channelled him!
Dearest Paulie my Babes (my nickname for him has always been Babes) I don’t know what to write because I don’t know what to say. I’m working on the premise that you can see my life - that you’re watching over me all the time and so you know what I’m up to. Since you’ve been gone I’ve changed outwardly and inwardly. Grief has been like a fierce sandstorm, carving me into a more resilient being. I’m less stressed, less volatile, more gentle, more aware of others’ pain. Every day is another opportunity to grow and love myself and be in service and grateful for all of my blessings. In Cape Town I was always stressed and I spent a lot of my energy and time in maintaining my inner peace, calm and groundedness. I was a lot less conscious, but it may not be because of the ‘before’ you died or the ‘after’, it may just be my natural growth curve. I miss you so much, your stable and moral presence, your practical down to earth approach and your unshakable groundedness. My life is poorer for the loss of your physical proximity but I know in my heart that it could become so much richer if I take the time to connect with you more.
P: Yes, Sadie yes! (Paul started to come through!) You’re on the right track here.
S: Would you help me write a book please?
P: Absolutely, I was waiting for you to ask!
S: How would it work? Like this, automatic writing?
P: Yes, but there are other ways too…..
S: Can I hear you in my head?
P: You know that you can…..
S: Are you blue? (I had met Paul in a meditation and he was this huge, blue energy being - but more about that in my up-coming book).
P: Yes!
S: Is that Pleiadian? From the Pleiades? I need to check how to spell it if that’s who you are. (In my letter I wrote Pliedies, I was never great at spelling!)
P: We are both from the Pleiades.
S: Oh! Tell me more…
P: We’re always together in spirit - like a family.
S: Always?
P: Yes.
S: I wasn’t supposed to come when I did? (I incarnated before I had planned to, I was called early to be here for someone else in my life - more of that in the book).
P: No, but once you offered, I offered to come too. (We reincarnated earlier than planned).
S: Did we live according to our paths? I always felt that we could not have ended up together.
P: We were not destined to marry - it was open ended, for us to choose.
S: Have you reincarnated yet?
P: Not yet.
S: Are you helping Earth and all of humanity from the other side? ( a powerful medium told me that just after Paul died, she said that he had some important spiritual work he had to do).
P: Yes.
S: How?
P: I work with a fine net of light - of subtle energies of truth - those sparks of enlightenment - I help to illuminate them - strengthen them - and hence the net of light of truth gets stronger.
S: Does this help with the ascension?
P: Yes. Love them for they know not what they do. Forgive them and don’t judge. It’s all about YOU! Your vibration, ‘some people’ (Paul says a dear family member’s name here, but his advice applies to all the people in our lives we might want to label as ‘difficult’) just got too caught up in the illusion of matter - too convinced of their own god-like power and fear has a tight grip on them. If they can let go, they will fall and then fly, but they’re too afraid to allow themselves to fall and they don’t trust enough in their ability to fly. If only they could just let go.
S: What would it take for them to let go?
P: Complete and utter destruction of their beliefs.
S: What are those?
P: That they will be lost and destroyed if they let go, that they will disappear so that the ego self is utterly obliterated and then they can realise their true power - but fear is the obstacle.
S: Do you have any message of wisdom for me?
P: Yes, let’s stay in touch - do this more and let’s write our book together.